
23 Dec 2005 - Registry Of Marriage

We have chose to the date 23 March 2006 to register for our marriage. At 11pm, we got the computer and documents ready at the R.O.M website, kiasu ma, cos the JP we wanted is very 抢手 one, cos must book exactly 3 months before.

And I got my date! Horray!!! Clicked "Sumbit" at 12.00MN. . . hahahah!!!

The documents needed for efiling:

  1. Date(s) of solemnisation

  2. location (for ROM outside)

  3. Preferred of JP (for ROM outside, you may also browse through the namelist available in the ROM website )

  4. I/C of both witnesses

  5. Printer with plenty of ink (as u will have plenty to print)

  6. Details of you and your -to-be

  7. Credit Card/Debit card for payment

We were requested to make a trip to ROM one month before our solemnisation as we need to make oath and collect the Marriage Cert to bring along on the day.


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